Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Roll Up, Roll Up! It's time for the Summer Fete!


Our Lady's School Summer Fete, June 7th 11.30am-3pm

The Summer Fete is just around the corner and it's shaping up to be one of our best year with a vintage theme to help celebrate out 80+ years in the community. There will be lots of vintage cars on display, plenty of retro games and music and we're hoping everyone will come in period dress to be in with a chance to win a prize for the most convincing period costume. We'll have a collection of stalls and games, live music, dancing, martial arts and plenty of exciting fresh food on offer. 

We do need your help to pull it off however! If you can volunteer to man a stall for a couple of hours, can help make food, help early in the morning to set up or in the late afternoon to tidy up, that would be hugely appreciated. We also need donations for our bottle stall, and if you're having a clear out would love any good quality toys, games, CDs, DVDs or books you no longer want for our second-hand stalls.

This is the Friends' biggest event of the year, please help out if you can. All money raised goes right back into the school to fund equipment, projects or trips for our children.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Thank you!

Thanks to everyone who came along to bingo night on Friday. The evening was great fun and raised £250 which will go towards playground improvements.

Many thanks to Miss Boggs and Mr Roberts for running the show so superbly!

Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Bingo Night on Friday!

Friday night is Bingo Night!

If you would like a fish and chip supper on the night orders need to be in by tomorrow Wednesday 7th May. Bingo tickets can be bought on the night.

Doors open 6pm, eyes down 6.30pm.

Drinks and snacks will be available or the night or you can bring your own.