Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Plans for the coming year

Our Lady's Parent Staff Association is looking for volunteers!

We have a packed plan of events for the coming year including class cake sales, bingo nights, a cinema night, school disco and the much loved Christmas Bazaar and Summer Fete. However, these events can only go ahead if we have enough volunteers to plan and co-ordinate events with the school.

We're not asking for a large commitment, even an hour of your time would be a huge help, and all funds raised go back directly to the school to help improve the learning environment for your children. 

A list of Class Reps will soon be posted on the PSA noticeboard, if you'd like to get involved please just let one of us know!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Annual Welcome Meeting

Welcome Back!

Our Lady's Parent Staff Association we be holding their Annual Welcome Meeting on Monday 19th September at 7pm in the school hall.

Pleae come along from 6.30pm to have a cup of tea and some cake, meet other parents and hear about school events and fundraising last year and plans for the coming year.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Summer Fete - Saturday 25th June, 11.00am to 3.00pm.

The school summer fete will be held on Saturday 25th June from 11.00am to 3.00pm.

As usual there will be plenty of games and entertainment including sumo wrestling, a bouncy castle and sand craft.

This is the biggest Parent & Staff Association event of the year and we really need everyone's help and support. The parent/carers who are organising the stalls will be asking for you to help on a stall for an hour during the fete.

Why not have a clear out at home and give your unwanted items to the school, we need:
  • Books, CDs & DVDs
  • Good quality second-hand toys and soft toys
  • Games and Puzzle (Please check they are complete.)
  • Bric-a-brac - no junk please
  • Donations can be left in the box by the bicycle shelter or next the PSA shed in the playground.

We also need Raffle prizes
Can you donate a voucher from your business?
A manicure or haircut
Food or drinks in your restaurant.
(A letter or a business card is fine instead of vouchers with a note of the donation and maximum amount.)
Thanks for your support
Our Lady's€™s PSA

Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Fundraising Update

A huge 
Thank You 
to everyone who has helped organise or run events 
and to all those who have come along to support our fundraising efforts this year. 

Since September we have raised over  
thanks to you! 

This money has come from cake sales, the Christmas bazaar and raffle, Christmas cards, bingo night, cinema night and the school disco.

So far this year we have donated £5000 for new school books (from last year's fundraising efforts),  £1500 for new dictionaries and purchased three laptops and a new hall projector. 

There are lots more events coming up latest this year, please do support us and see how much more we can do for your child's school.

For a full breakdown of money raised and spent please see the PSA noticeboard at the school.


Thursday, March 03, 2016

Bingo Night

Our very popular bingo nights continue in March with the next social evening on Friday, March 18th. Do come along for a fun night out with the family.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Disco Night

Our Lady's School Disco will be held on Thursday, February 11th.

Dancing for Key Stage 1 pupils will be from 4.30pm to 5.30pm and for Key Stage 2 children from 5.45pm to 7pm.

There will be a cafe and rest area for parents and children so if you have children in both key stages you can sit with them while they wait for siblings at the disco.

Entrance will be £3.50 on the door and there will be drinks, snacks and glow sticks available to buy.

See you there!