Thursday, October 12, 2017

Next meeting and upcoming events

It's taken a while to get things up and running but we've got a few dates for upcoming events now.

Next Meeting - Wednesday November 1st, 3pm
It will be held in one of the classrooms, usually Sapphire. Please come along if you can and have a say in the plans for the year, how the money we have can be spent and what we should be fundraising for this year. We try to keep meetings to an hour and put on a DVD for the children to keep them occupied. Everyone welcome!

Sapphire class cake sale - October 20th
It's been suggested that we broaden our offering at cake sales and include savoury food as well so parents could pick up something  for dinner instead of just cakes. This first cake/food sale will be run by Miss Jones' class (Sapphire).


  • Indigo class cake/food sale - Friday, 10th November

  • Pizza & Film Night - Wednesday, 22nd November

  • Aqua (Mr Box) cake/food sale - Friday, 1st December

  • Christmas Dress Up Day - Friday, 8th December

  • Christmas Bazaar - Friday, 15th December

We also need some help organising the Christmas cards and the Christmas raffle - if you could spare a little time please let us know.

Thank you!
