Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Celebrating 80 Years at Our Lady's School

Did you know Our Lady's School is 80 years old? To celebrate this wonderful achievement the Friends of Our Lady's School would like to collect stories, memories and photographs of the school past and present.

Are you a past pupil and now a parent? Have several generations of your family been to school here? Are you new to the area and have your children just started? We'd  love to hear everyone's thoughts. Between us could we find the oldest graduate of the school? The eldest graduate with our youngest pupil, what a great photograph that would be.

Where have all Our Lady's' graduates gone? Please spread the word, we might get responses from all over the world!

Please have a think and let us know your thoughts. You can always email us at

We will also be seeking what the staff, Sisters and pupils think about supporting, working and learning in our school.

Our Lady's - Our School, Our Community

Check our the story on our plans in the Oxford Mail


  1. When I first looked around the school the children seemed interested and engaged and getting on in their lessons and with each other. It seemed like a calm friendly environment.
    The teachers have been interested and engaged and seem to put in 110% any problems and issues have been dealt with effectively.
    My children enjoy going to Our Lady's and have fun with friends in the playground as well as working hard in the lessons. In fact they feel very proud of their school.

  2. What a brilliant idea! I keep hearing snippets of stories from past pupils and as I'm new to the area and grew up in another country it's fascinating to hear. Did you know the school once had its own swimming pool! There must be some great stories and photos out there. I can't wait to hear them!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. My children are always eager to see me participate in school activities, whether it is academically, on events organized by the PA, on trips, in the community etc. Our involvement makes them feel proud to be in the school and I'm sure that helps to the success of all.

  5. I have made great friends since joining OLS, my husband is Oxford born and bred and it seemed he was at a school reunion when our family went into school for our first day, which definitely made me want to get more involved in school, simply to meet people.
    The teachers and staff have always been fully supportive whenever there has been an issue, it is swooped on immediately so the small problems never get beyond that.
    Our daughter loves seeing her mum and dad in school, and we are proud to be involved, it's great to see the great success of fund raising, the playground is a definite highlight.
    We love the quiz nights, christmas bazaar and the summer fete, always a fantastic day. A highlight has to be the twinning project with Sorioan Elementary School, it is fantastic to support our school supporting those children less fortunate.

    Can't say highly enough what an asset the PA is to Our School, here's to another 80 years. WELL DONE OUR LADY'S, a real school community with the children at the heart of the school, where they can enjoy learning in a safe, secure, caring environment. It is so true in our motto 'you are young, you are precious, you are loved'.

  6. Delighted we went with Our Lady's, our son has settled in so well and is thriving. He loves his school and his friends. We have found the teachers to be a great support and the PA has been very quick to encourage our involvement. Our son has already designed his Christmas card and is looking forward to shopping by himself at the Christmas sale.
    With no disrespect to St Gregory's early years unit, we always had concerns he would be mixing with so many children up to the age of 19 years and it being such a huge site. We definitely made the right choice, we are definitely part of the school community. Great to be involved.
