Sunday, February 23, 2014

The summer fête is fast approaching!

The school summer fête will be held on Saturday June 7th and this year we are having a vintage theme to tie in with our 80+ years in the community.
     We will be asking everyone to come in some sort of period dress - there's plenty to choose from so get thinking! Could you be a 1930s flapper, a war time land girl, 50s housewife, 60s hippie, 70s punk or 80s pop star? There will be prizes for the best dressed on the day.
     We are hoping to have some vintage cars on display, plenty of stalls to reflect the retro theme and lots of fantastic games and entertainment. This is the biggest PTA event of the year and we really need your help to get everything organised.
     Please think about getting involved with the organisation, running a stall, cooking for our food hall or pulling in some favours to get friends or family to help out in some way.
     Do you know anyone in a band who might play on the day? Do you take part in a sport or activity which could be turned into a display? Know anyone with a vintage car? Could you run a stall, even for part of the day? Could your work place donate a raffle prize?
     If you're planning a clear out please do keep any unwanted books, toys, CDs, DVDs or games for our second-hand stalls.
   The more people who help, the better the day. We'd love to hear your thoughts, ideas or suggestions.

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