Saturday, November 22, 2014

Christmas Shoebox Challenge - a big thanks!

Many thanks for the support of the Christmas Shoebox Challenge. The turnout of beautiful wrapped shoeboxes was amazing to see in our school hall. They were then sent to St Joseph's School to be distributed to pupils at the school and surrounding area.
Linda Freestone, the Chair of the friends of St Joseph's School sent a special message to our school;
"We are really grateful to all who made this possible. Sister Mary is delighted to have been given this opportunity to bring some joy to the children of St Joseph’s and the surrounding community in this time of real hardship"
If anyone is interested in giving further, the fundraising page to help support Sister Mary's work is still open www.virginmoneygiving/team/ebola4

Saturday, November 08, 2014

Come to our Bingo night next Friday 14th November

Come and join other families at our popular Bingo night, with the lovely Mrs Wootton calling the numbers. As well as it being a fun family-friendly activity you may get to meet some new OL parents and possibly win a prize! 

Please note you can buy your bingo cards on the evening . The doors will open at 6.30pm ready for a 7.00pm start

You can buy soft drinks and sweets for the children at the tuck shop but are welcome to bring your own drinks and snacks. 

During the interval we will serve a fish and chip supper, £5 for fish and chips and £2 for chips. Remember to give in your order form, which was sent home in your school bag, and relevant money to the school office (with attention of  Our lady's PA) by Tuesday 11th.

We hope to see you there!