Monday, May 23, 2016

Summer Fete - Saturday 25th June, 11.00am to 3.00pm.

The school summer fete will be held on Saturday 25th June from 11.00am to 3.00pm.

As usual there will be plenty of games and entertainment including sumo wrestling, a bouncy castle and sand craft.

This is the biggest Parent & Staff Association event of the year and we really need everyone's help and support. The parent/carers who are organising the stalls will be asking for you to help on a stall for an hour during the fete.

Why not have a clear out at home and give your unwanted items to the school, we need:
  • Books, CDs & DVDs
  • Good quality second-hand toys and soft toys
  • Games and Puzzle (Please check they are complete.)
  • Bric-a-brac - no junk please
  • Donations can be left in the box by the bicycle shelter or next the PSA shed in the playground.

We also need Raffle prizes
Can you donate a voucher from your business?
A manicure or haircut
Food or drinks in your restaurant.
(A letter or a business card is fine instead of vouchers with a note of the donation and maximum amount.)
Thanks for your support
Our Lady's€™s PSA