About Us

Who we are

Our Lady's Parent Staff Association is a group of friendly, approachable parents, carers and teachers helping to make our school a better place. Everyone is automatically a member once your child joins Our Lady's, no invitation required!

What we do

Encourage our children to experience a happy school environment and hold events which create great memories and a feeling of community for all involved in Our Lady's School. Support our Children by fund raising, through holding events to raise funds for our school as well as supporting the children in their fund raising events for their chosen charities.

How we do it

Cake sales, Easter Hamper Raffle, Summer fete, Christmas bazaar, sale of Christmas cards, Christmas hamper raffle, Quiz nights - we are always open to new ideas, just let us know!

Why we do it

We want to make our school environment for our children the best it possibly can be, and make our children's time at Our Lady's a happy, positive and enjoyable time for everyone. 

Contact us

You can contact us via the suggestion box which is in the school foyer by the office, catch us in the playground or by email on ourladyspa@gmail.com. Or just leave us a comment here. The PA noticeboard is to be replaced imminently.

Get Involved

We are grateful for all offers of help big or small, even if you can give a half hour of your time once a year it would make a difference.

Got any ideas for an event or fund-raiser? Do let us know.
Got ideas on how funds should be spent? Please do let us know.

If you don't speak up we'll never know what you're thinking. You can post a comment on the blog anonymously, put a note in the suggestion box in the school reception, email us or speak to one of the committee members at school. We'd love to hear from you. 


  1. Thank you so much guys! You have presented your purpose well in this site and your effort is truly appreciated. Yours is something to be modeled for, a genuine inspiration to all of us, specially the children. Your good deeds is changing lives elsewhere, and Sorioan Elementary School is among them. Your generosity and loving kindness is touching lives in a very special way. The Lord our God truly bless and keep you.

  2. Great to see we have a new committee - thank you all
