Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Minutes from our latest meeting

PSA Meeting – 20th September 2018
Miss Davies                                 Donna                                        Maxine                  Belinda
Miss Molloy                                Janine                                         Chris
Mr Spackman                             Etain                                            Roisin

1.       AGM
There was a discussion about the AGM, it was proposed for mid-end of October. Now proposed for October 17th, 7pm.
The school was going to produce a flyer about the PSA and ask interested parents to submit their details to the school so they can be added to our contacts list.
PSA needs a point of contact
Miss Davies will nominate a point of contact for the school

2.       Events
Various events were discussed:
·         Cinema nights - Foundation and KS1 need a short film of about an hour. Suggestion for cartoon with episodes such as Dangermouse and Bagpuss and teachers can judge how many they should watch. Also easy to stop for pizza for as long as necessary. Pricing and discounts for siblings need to be agreed. Proposed to run twice a year.
·         Disco – proposed twice a year, preferably near Christmas. Roisin offered to run. Miss Davies to advise on a date.
·         Xmas Bazaar – Friday 14th December, during the day and an hour after school (NB school closes on 21st Dec)
·         Christmas lunch – PSA to provide crackers for the children.
·         International Evening – move to Spring. Money and Food need more organisation and support. The new stage will be portable so could be used outside. Quote for new stage sent to Amanda.
·         Book swap stall running next to Cake Stall discussed as a possibility.

3.       Cake Sales
Miss Davies to suggest dates. May run as a class ‘Bake Off’ with the winning cake being awarded a certificate in school and being advertised/charged extra when sold at the cake sale after school. May also combine with the School Enterprise.
4.       Other suggestions
·         Car boot sales – Miss Davies said that this was more difficult as there was no caretaker.
·         Summer Ball – family event

5.       Funding requests
·         Playground and outside facilities. Suggested having a ‘thermometer’ to show money raised and what was bought
·         Travel costs – PSA to fund travel for school trips so each class could have two a year, agreed in principle but figures needed. Costs to be sent to Amanda
·         Panto – contribution per child. Costs to be sent to Amanda

6.       Finances
There is approximately £9,500 in the bank, which, leaving aside emergency/running costs and the Classroom Fund, is about £7,500 available to spend.  About £5,000 of this is committed to the stage and lights.
Finances have been handed over to Amanda Foulds.  Claims should be emailed and hard copies of claim forms/invoices should be left in office for her to collect.
7.       AGM
Details of the above to be presented at the AGM. Miss Davies to provide a date. October 17th, 7pm.

8.       Comms and AOB
·         Messages to parents (from the PSA about events) can be sent via the school office via Gateway. Emails with content should be sent to the school office on ourladys@dbmac.org.uk
·         Notice Board – a bigger notice board in a better position was mentioned. Possibly two boards, one in the playground
·         Suggestion that PSA members wear PSA t-shirts on event days to be identifiable.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to a new school year.

We are holding our first meeting on Thursday September 20th directly after school in the Creative Corner. Please come along if you can and help us plan activities for the new school year.

Everyone welcome! Any help you can give, no matter how small, is very much appreciated. 

If you can't attend the meeting and want to keep up to date on our plans why not join our What's App group? Just email OurLadysPA@gmail.com with your name and number and we'll add you to the group.